Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Morning by Kwang Hwa

 Key to KNoWledGe, Kettle oN, Keep oN moANiNG, KeretA to seKolAH, Key to KNoWledGe, KerjA, Kerb pArK, Kopi, KAyA

WorKiNG WeeK, WeAry, WAitiNG for WeeKeNd to come, uNiform uNpAcK bAG, uNder 40’s motHer, WAry, WrApped up iN oWN miNi-World of sHop, tuitioN, cooKiNG, WAtcH proGrAmme, uNiNterestiNG, uNKNoWN to ANy, I WAtcH, Nice

ArticulAte Assembly ANNouNcemeNt, Art, Appetite, ANKle cHAiN ANd jeANs motHer, AWAre of fAsHioN, ANKle cHAiN, jeANs, or sHorts, if leGs AlloW, AsAp,
ANGGiN pANtAi, Air limAu, AyAm

NosHiNG Noodles, NotebooK, Number, NeiGHbour’s NeWspAper, uNiNterestiNG
NelAyN, NAsi miNyAK, NAtter iN coffe sHop, cHit-cHAt, NotHiNG of importANce, NoW, NAil WAter bill, NAb NeW Groceries from you Hoe, Nip iNto bANK, NyAmuK NAtter WitH mrs ANG (AssistANt mANAGer), NeNAs sWeet

GeoGrApHy, Gobble GrAiNs of rice; Go Gest Go to GesticulAtiNG mArKet, Get GuAvA, Gold sHop GArNisHiNG by preseNce, GreeN GAs bottle, GoriNG pisANG, GrAiN rice, GArAm, GulA, tHeN dr GiGi

HomeWorK, HAlf time, HAppy Hurry cANteeN, History,
AsiA, AfterNooN AtHletics, AH ArGue iN Aimless AmbieNce, About NotHiNG of ANy importANce, ANyWAy

oH, morNiNG fiNisHed AlreAdy? Time to eAt. WAH.

I eat rice, soup, chicken, fish, and vegetable for lunch, dinner, everyday of the year. Waaah.teA, doWN toAst, duNK eGG WitH soy sAuce, or pecK At

ubiquitous pAcKets of rice, uNimpAired WitH plAte

PerU 0 ArGeNtiNA 1

todAy, We pAiNted tHe bAcK WAll WHite,
reflectiNG tHe eveNiNG mooN by NiGHt
tHeN tHe sUN HAd some fUN
ANd pAiNted me from HeAd to KNee
A rAtHer striKiNG iNcA piNKA mAcHo peAcHo

tAti HAiKu (jANuAry 2002)

by tHe fAlliNG suN
tHe leAves ANd brANcHes WAitiNG
for tHe cool NiGHt Air