one o’clock, round the block
time to munch / eat my lunchin the car / not so far
park by trees / gentle breeze
insects whine / old leaves pine
monkeys swing / mynahs sing
Mak’s home-cooked canteen food today
cheap polystyrene take away
warm white rice / packed in nice
curry sauce /more of course
soggy rice / tickling spice
carrot crunch / crispy munch
chicken wing / bird no sing
feeling sad / thinking bad
must be some young birdette’s mummy /
‘hope you get an upset tummy’
yum yum yum / fill my tum
chicken pick / finger lick
take off skin / must keep thin
don’t want that / too much fat
chicken bone / now alone
reject meat / ant can eat
cholesterol not good for you
too much and it’s the ICU
orange juice / stomach sluice
suck and slurp / quiet burp
juice has come / in my tum
crumple bag / tissue rag
cool in car / birds afar
windscreen spray / dirt away
rice encrusted finger sticky
right hand only eating tricky
car too hot / not a lot
air con on / rice now gone
thank you Mak / lunch time snack
waistband pull/ tum now full
two fifteen / must be seen
classroom reach / back to teach
cobweb wall, broken door hinge
concrete fading, cracking, cringe