three cups of orange juice is right
Thursday 3 August pm 2000
Three bags of orange juice took away /
my raging thirst at lunch today /
but didn’t realise I would pay for drinking quite so much
One pm off to open air canteen /
for chicken and rice in polystyrene /
wash my hands to make them clean before I get stuck in
Walk to car park by the trees /
insert key, air con breeze /
put the container on my knees, and begin to eat the chicken
Relaxing afterwards in the car /
thinking music, bar by bar /
toilets suddenly seemed so far,
what was I to do ?
Should be easy by the trees, /
quite discreet, discomfort ease. /
What was that ? I heard a sneeze.
Phew, that was close,
the Provost.
Just wait a while, it’s OK /
but remember, haven’t got all day /
I’m sure that I can find a way.
Not now, office staff.
Coast is clear, let’s have a try /
out of the car, watch the sky. /
You’re probably are thinking why,
Aargh ! Bicycle girls are here.
Pretty things gave me a fright. /
Holding legs now very tight. /
not a quiet place in sight.
Oh no, not Mastiniwati.
Just park your bike, then take a walk.. /
Oh girl, you don’t really want to talk. /
Bottled up worry about cork,
I’m desperate for a you know what.
Yes. How interesting. I agree /
hurry up, get away from me /
the pressure’s growing inside me.
Oh yes, goodbye, Miss Tini.
At last can try and have a go, /
body tense, am moving slow. /
Next time you drink, oh no, no, no,
Zaleha and her pals.
hiya, sir, how are you today ?
Fine. Big smile. Go away.
Do something useful, run and play.
They’re nice girls. What, check your work?
Oh, this is bad now, but what to do?
How long must I sit this through?
No more corrections, it’s up to you.
Nine or ten long minutes.
Mr Richard, please explain /
what is ship and aeroplane? /
Listen girls, I’m in a bit of pain,
it’s awkward to tell you why
But sir, can practice module 4 /
job interview, 10 minutes more. /
I really am now getting sore.
Girls, why don’t you go home?
But sir, we like to talk to you /
and we got nothing else to do. /
Melissa, Nora, Mawarni too,
they really love to talk.
Girls, I really have to go /
before something begins to flow. /
I don’t care, the answer’s no.
They think I’m not quite right.
Run from car, lots of stares.
Corridor blocked by swearing chairs.
Forgot must climb the wretched stairs.
Ground floor, ladies.
Orange juice, most would agree
is full of health and vitamin C,
but drink too much, and it can be,
er, well, you know.